I am checking out the Hle website, reading the testimony and and feel compelled to offer my own. I’ve been a Christian for over fifteen years. I’ve traveled to third world countries on mission trips, handed out bibles to children in impoverished nations, and when someone told me that one day many of us on these trips would one day fall away from God I never dreamed they could be taking about me. How could someone stop believing in this wonderful love of Christ that I had found. Well they can and I did. Without going into too much of my history I found myself living in sin with an abusive alcoholic. I’ve since started a new life on my own with a new job and God pulling at me to come back to him. I believe God has put two people in my life to help. T. Graham Brown and Hunter Logan of Hle Radio. T’s own story and passion for helping people in situations like mine and his gospel cd Forever Changed have touched my heart deeply and lead me to HLE Radio. I used to just listen to hear T. Graham Brown but I started listening to Hunter on the morning show. Really listening. If there has ever been a man who walks this earth with God right beside him, talking in his ear, its Hunter. I feel God talks directly to me sometimes, through him. It’s amazing. His obedience and his incredible faith and knowledge of the scriptures has me looking to him almost like my pastor. But he takes no credit when I thank him for helping me. “It’s all God.” I’ve struggled a lot since being on my own, I still struggle with my faith, but I can always count on Hunter and T too, for prayer when I need it. After the death of my father, Hunter was even able to make me laugh out loud by being the most professorial at being unprofessional on the morning show. I think he was sniffing (which you never do on the radio) and trying to talk without a Louisiana accent… or something… I’m not back where I want to be with God. I’m closer but I’m asking God to continue using these men, and Hle radio, to help me because I trust them and believe in their ministry and feel they walk with God every day. I just wanted to share this. Hle Radio will lift your spirits, teach you about the love of Christ and entertain you with country music all about Jesus. I don’t know what I would do without it. I promise you Hle Radio is completely a God Thing and I’ll always be listening. – Pat
To all those concerned: I remember when I first heard about Hleradio.com it was at a men’s breakfast one morning at first I thought it was going to be just another country gospel station, but I was wrong. When tuned in I found it to be something a lot different from What I expected, the music was great, but when they had interviews with the artist, and finding out the meaning of the songs, they wrote I was listening to I was hooked. what caught me, I not only knew the songs but I felt I knew the artist too. To watch it grow bigger and bigger country after country, was an awesome feeling when seeing others in different countries being touched made me feel like I was part of that just by sitting in my office listening, and praying, what I mean by office is my computer room in the house. It is thrilling to hear an artist come out with a new song or album. Hleradio has become the beginning of my day unless I have to go to the doctor and in that case I usually late if my appointment is at 9 or before. Things have been getting better and better Hunter, has a way of listening to his heart, and between the Lord and him they’ve got it going. It has become part of me I find it has enhanced my Spiritual awareness. The artist testimonies, of how their songs came about. I find with the knowledge of their songs, the story behind the story. That puts life in the originality, of them. It is as Hunter always says it is a ministry first always. So thank you Hleradio: John R. Ware

Amy Shannon Higgins
We want to share this from one of our listeners in Florida, Amy Shannon Higgins. She has been listening to us almost from the very start.
I would love to tell my story how HLE Radio has touched my life. I’m on disability and don’t drive because of my sickness so I don’t get out much like other people. So when i started listening to HLE and Hunter Logan i felt like i was apart of something great i knew from the start God had his hand on HLE as i listen every day i got to know the great artist and their music it gave me peace inside i felt in my heart a peace that only the Lord can give i don’t Know if Hunter knows how many life’s he is touching by following Gods plan for him but I want to thank him and HLE for the blessing they have been in my life i will always be your number one fan HLE.
Thank you so much and thank all the artist that share their music you have blessed me I give y’all a great big Jesus smile

Amy Simpson
Hello Friends and family of HLE Radio. As a fellow listener/family of HLE Radio I would like to take a moment to share something God has put on my heart. HLE Radio reaches over 110 countries and 400,000 listeners a month and praise God I was one of them as well as you. God has placed it on my heart to Challenge each of you if you have been blessed by HLE Radio as an artist or a listener to take the $10 CHALLENGE for 2014 in Jan. just as I Have. I can believe God for 200 challengers for 2014 but that would put a box on what God can do so I believe for many more. I was able to be introduced to HLE because someone else believed in the sowing into the ministry, I to want to be that someone for someone else around the world. For $2.50 a week/$10.00 the cost of a cup of coffee or a coke and candy bar a week you can share the message of Christ through Crankdown Christian Country. Thank you and may God Bless you.
Good Day Hunter,
I found your radio station this morning while on Facebook,
looking at Jayc Harold post and went to that page and found HLE Radio.
I have never been so excited about a radio station as I have yours.
Great music uplifting music! Hunter your so fun and down to earth.
I even got to hear Mark from Scotland. Prayers to his friend Larry!
I have a friend who has been in the music business most of his life. I help him with some promotion and his Facebook page. He mostly sings country. He just recorded a great song about our USA Flag. I may send you the link, or a CD if your interested in this Flag song they recorded.
He would be so blessed if he gave his music to the Lord!!!
God Bless
Ramona Pugliese
Grand Prairie, Texas.