by Roger Barkley Jr | Jul 9, 2015 | Concerts & Events, Events, Featured Artist, Homepage Featured Stories, Hunter Logan, LIVE Feed, News, Podcast
Here is your chance to be a part of #TEAMJESUS When you take the $10-$20 Challenge you are automatically entered for a chance to win an HLE Swag Bag!! Items include: 2 backpacks 2 coffee mugs, 2 tshirts, 2 bandannas, 2 lanyards, 2 letter openers, 2 key chains, s...
by Roger Barkley Jr | Feb 2, 2015 | Events, Hunter Logan, News
At HLE Radio you will hear such great Christian Country Artists of today’s fastest growing music. Here award winning Radio Personality Hunter Logan play such artists as Epp Mevin Walls, Roger Barkley Jr, Kirby Stailey, Nikki Headley, Nichole Hope, Tommy Brandt,...
by Roger Barkley Jr | Apr 25, 2014 | Concerts & Events, Events, News, Podcast
DATELINE JENNINGS LA HLE Announces development of NEW Smart Media APP. First in many innovations to further God’s Message in a Country Flavor, HLE Radio is using the latest technology to make the devil mad once again. Our ADD FREE APP is available for Android...
by Roger Barkley Jr | Jan 2, 2014 | Artists, Events, News, Uncategorized
2016 Christian Voice – Gospel Music FanFair Radio Station of the Year (Top 10) Radio Personality of the Year (Top 10) Favorite Fan Website (Top 10) 2015 Agape Fest Radio Station of the Year WINNER Radio Personality of the Year WINNER Christian Voice...
by Roger Barkley Jr | Dec 18, 2013 | Artists, Concerts & Events, Events, Featured Artist, Homepage Featured Stories
Your favorite artists LIVE in the HLE Studio with music and in depth interviews. SEE MORE INFO HERE Special Guests of HLE Unplugged stay at For Reservations Click Here 310 W Fred Ruth Zigler Mem. Dr Jennings, Louisiana, 70546 TEL: 337-824-2699 FAX:...