by Roger Barkley Jr | Jul 9, 2015 | Concerts & Events, Events, Featured Artist, Homepage Featured Stories, Hunter Logan, LIVE Feed, News, Podcast
Here is your chance to be a part of #TEAMJESUS When you take the $10-$20 Challenge you are automatically entered for a chance to win an HLE Swag Bag!! Items include: 2 backpacks 2 coffee mugs, 2 tshirts, 2 bandannas, 2 lanyards, 2 letter openers, 2 key chains, s...
by Roger Barkley Jr | Apr 25, 2014 | Concerts & Events, Events, News, Podcast
DATELINE JENNINGS LA HLE Announces development of NEW Smart Media APP. First in many innovations to further God’s Message in a Country Flavor, HLE Radio is using the latest technology to make the devil mad once again. Our ADD FREE APP is available for Android...