
6th Annual Reunion Reservations
More Info to come soon — click here to reserve your rooms NOW!!
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Great Guitar Give-A-Way
Here is your chance to be a part of #TEAMJESUS When you take the $10-$20 Challenge you are automatically entered for a chance to win an HLE Swag Bag!! Items include: 2 backpacks 2 coffee mugs, 2 tshirts, 2 bandannas, 2 lanyards, 2 letter openers, 2 key chains, s...Joe Bonsall Interview
Audio Player

Make sure to check out our newest way for the artists to reach the thousands of listeners and showcase the latest Music Videos!! If you are an artist and would like to have your video listed contact our office. Check out the latest videos now CLICK HERE
Radio Interviews
Charlie Daniels Interview T Graham Brown Part 1 T Graham Brown Part 2 Isaac Cole Interview John Kee Interview True Heart Interview Steve Waldrip Interview